Michigan Dental Association Endorses Nine iCoreConnect Products
The MDA trusts iCoreConnect’s platform of cloud-based software solutions designed to solve specific business problems and drive revenue. The MDA has negotiated special pricing for its members on all endorsed products.
“Since our first iCoreConnect endorsement in 2018, we have watched iCoreConnect enhance its product line with software solutions created with the input of dentists. With so many of our members already engaged with iCoreConnect, we urge all MDA members to reach out to the iCoreConnect team to better understand the range of dental specific business solutions designed to improve clinical workflow and increase revenue.”

Director, MDA Services & Marketing
MDA Endorses iCoreConnect Products
iCoreRx Cloud ePrescription Software
Mandatory ePrescribing for All Medications and Prescription History Checks in Michigan
As of January 1, 2023, Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 333.17754a requires all prescriptions be transmitted electronically, after having been delayed for one year. Michigan dentists are also required to complete prescription history checks through the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS) before dispensing or prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol.
Stay on top of these legal requirements with iCoreConnect’s iCoreRx. In addition to meeting these legal requirements, iCoreRx allows you to:
- ePrescribe controlled substances and other medications from any device, anywhere, with cloud-based software
- Connect directly to the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS) for immediate prescription history checks
- See interactions and contraindications to improve prescription safety
- Autofill important patient information and favorite pharmacies and prescription combinations to improve speed and increase efficiency

iCoreRx and the Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS)
Since 2018, Michigan law has required that pharmacists and prescribers check a patient’s controlled substance prescription history through MAPS prior to prescribing or dispensing to a patient a controlled substance in a quantity that exceeds a 3-day supply.
iCoreRx offers an option to integrate with MAPS to directly access the patient’s prescription drug monitoring (PDMP) history in just seconds. Streamline the process while ensuring adherence to Michigan law and boosting patient safety.
iCoreVerify Automated Insurance Verification
iCoreVerify completes insurance verifications for every patient on this week’s schedule faster than you just read this sentence.
You can reduce the time spent on insurance verifications by 80%. Now you can redirect staff time to scheduling patient follow-ups and other revenue-generating activities. Stop relying on manual processes, spending time on the phone, and verifying patients one at a time. iCoreVerify provides you:
- Verification in seconds for every patient on the schedule each week (rather than one patient at a time)
- Built-in error reporting shows you exactly what needs to be corrected for quick resolutions
- Fewer claim denials thanks to accurate patient information
- Unlimited verifications with no per-transaction fees
iCoreClaims Dental Claims and Billing Support
Stop losing valuable time on the phone with insurance companies, dealing with outdated insurance portal technology, addressing errors and denials, and chasing down payments. iCoreClaims handles the insurance revenue cycle from start to finish– we help manage a consistent, reliable, and accurate claims process lowering your claims A/R and increasing collections.
iCoreAnalytics Actionable Practice Analytics
Your practice is leaving revenue on the table. iCoreAnalytics finds the revenue you’re missing by analyzing multiple aspects of your practice, providing instant dashboard reporting on the following metrics:
- Production numbers and patient goals
- Patient recall percentages
- New patient acquisition numbers
- Case acceptance numbers
- Funds owed by patients
- Insurance verification numbers and claims acceptance
iCoreExchange Encrypted HIPAA Email
Sending Protected Health Information (PHI) via email is standard these days. It’s vital to ensure those communications can’t be hacked, phished, or used to launch ransomware attacks to steal data and cripple your practice. iCoreExchange facilitates all that and more.
- Send any and all PHI, regardless of attachment size, with confidence
- Find new referral partners based on patient need through zip code searches
- Be matched by other providers and receive patient referrals
- Ensure HIPAA compliant communications that keep data private and secure
- Block out unsolicited and unrecognized, non-provider senders to secure your inbox
iCoreCodeGenius Dental Coding and Billing
Speeding up the coding and billing process is fundamental to improving the efficiency of your dental practice. iCoreCodeGenius provides fast and accurate coding to speed up billing and timely ensure payments. Our users enjoy:
- Rapid select and autofill for ICD-10 and CPT codes
- Prompts and assistance to ensure accurate coding
- Prompts for comorbidities and HCCs for improved care
- Accurate and complete billing info to ensure payment
- Reduction in denials and insurance queries
- Flexibility and freedom of the cloud
iCoreCloud Encrypted HIPAA Cloud Backup
Data is one of your most valuable assets. Ensuring its safety and reliability means your practice can survive in the face of potential threats. Relying on a cloud backup means knowing your data and access can be restored whenever and wherever you need it.
With iCoreCloud:
- Your data is automatically backed up every few seconds to our highly secure, off-site data centers
- Your data is HIPAA-compliantly stored
- You can set up any or all computers in your business to automatically upload data, creating virtual “mirrors” of your data
- If you experience a data crisis at your practice, we can send your mirrored data back to you, even if it needs to be placed on a new computer or server
iCoreIT Managed IT Services
We provide full IT management services for your practice. We ensure your hardware, software, and security are up-to-date, monitored, and typically replaced before they break. This not only saves you time and money, but it lets you focus on patients and practice.
This proactive approach prevents costly problems from slowing or shutting down your practice, while keeping you compliant and cyber secure by:
- Actively preventing problems instead of waiting for issues to occur
- Monitoring changes in HIPAA law and automatically updating your system to ensure data is protected and compliant
- Performing automatic cloud backups to your specifications
- Designing, building and deploying networks and hardware
- Removing computer threats with proactive antivirus software scans, and updating manufacturer patches
- Releasing new features included as part of our service to you
iCoreIT Managed IT Services
We provide full IT management services for your practice. We ensure your hardware, software, and security are up-to-date, monitored, and typically replaced before they break. This not only saves you time and money, but it lets you focus on patients and practice.
This proactive approach prevents costly problems from slowing or shutting down your practice, while keeping you compliant and cyber secure by:
- Actively preventing problems instead of waiting for issues to occur
- Monitoring changes in HIPAA law and automatically updating your system to ensure data is protected and compliant
- Performing automatic cloud backups to your specifications
- Designing, building and deploying networks and hardware
- Removing computer threats with proactive antivirus software scans, and updating manufacturer patches
- Releasing new features included as part of our service to you
iCoreDental Cloud-based Practice Management
Moving your practice management from a “legacy” hardware system to cloud-based iCoreDental can speed a multitude of operations and help you discover revenue strategies that simply weren’t possible before.
- Developed specifically on the cloud, with no need to purchase and maintain a server
- Access patient data anywhere you have internet
- Expand to multiple locations with ease, allowing staffing flexibility and financial oversight
- Run insightful reports on virtually every aspect of your business

Michigan Dental Association Membership Benefits
MDA endorses iCoreVerify, iCoreRx, iCoreExchange, iCoreAnalytics, iCoreCloud, iCoreIT and iCoreDental.
iCoreConnect is an MDA endorsed company and offers exclusive discounts on these endorsed services for MDA members!
If you are not currently a member, your iCoreConnect sales rep would be happy to introduce you to the folks at the MDA.
iCoreConnect has been intensively vetted and awarded more than 200 association product agreements across our platform. Get in touch today to see why!
Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) and iCoreRx
In 2020, Texas law required that pharmacists and prescribers check a patient’s PMP history through Texas PMP AWARxE before dispensing or prescribing controlled substances including: opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol.
iCoreRx offers an option to integrate with Texas PMP AWARxE. Streamline the process and improve prescription speed and efficiency while ensuring adherence to Texas law and boosting patient safety. The integration allows prescribers to directly access the patient's PMP report without logging into the Texas PMP site.
Moving your practice management from a “legacy” hardware system to cloud-based iCoreDental can speed a multitude of operations and help you discover revenue strategies that simply weren’t possible before.
- Built on the cloud from scratch, with no need to purchase and maintain a server
- Access patient data anywhere you have internet
- Expand to multiple locations with ease, allowing staffing flexibility and financial oversight
- Run insightful reports on virtually every aspect of your business